But the Lord answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:41-42 NASB)
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I can get so caught up in the busyness of life—focused on all the “doing” that I forget the power of just “being.” I can become overwhelmed and even lose my peace, burdened by tasks and responsibilities. Even when I know there’s a steadier, more secure way to live, I sometimes forget it in the chaos.
Are you familiar with the story of Mary and Martha hosting Jesus in their home, as told in Luke 10:38-42? In this powerful passage, you’ll recognize the tension between these two sisters during Jesus’ visit. Martha was busy with the demands of hosting, working tirelessly to ensure everything was perfect—just as any good host would. But where was her sister, Mary? While Martha was in the kitchen, frazzled by the weight of her responsibilities, Mary chose to sit at Jesus’ feet, listening intently to His every word.
Understandably, Martha grew frustrated. She couldn’t help but feel that she was handling everything while Mary seemed unbothered by the demands of the moment. Finally, Martha voiced her frustration to Jesus: “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me” (Luke 10:40 NASB). But Jesus lovingly redirects her focus: “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:41-42 NASB).
Sound familiar? It’s all too easy for us to find ourselves in Martha’s shoes, and let what we deem urgent pull us away from the stillness where we can hear God’s voice. Here, Jesus shows us a better way—a way that prioritizes being still and listening to Him above all else. When we’re overwhelmed by life’s pressures, we risk missing the opportunity to be refreshed in His presence. Yet it’s in this sacred space, at His feet, that we receive more than just peace; we receive His love, His perspective, and His direction for our lives.
We must be intentional about creating space for Jesus in our lives. This is not a passive act, but an active decision to slow down, pause, and cultivate an awareness of His presence. Just as Mary chose to sit at His feet, we too must choose to prioritize time with Him above the distractions of daily life. In doing so, we allow our spirits to be filled with His peace, our minds to be renewed by His truth, and our hearts to be strengthened by His love.
So let this be a reminder today: don’t let the busyness of life rob you of the “good part.” Yes, there will always be something that calls for your attention. But you must set aside time to be still at the feet of Jesus and recalibrate your heart to His. In that place, you’ll find everything you need for the journey ahead.
May we all be found at His feet.
1. In what areas of your life are you feeling overwhelmed by busyness?
2. What is one step you can take this week to be more present with Jesus and cultivate a habit of stillness at His feet?
Reflect on ways to prioritize quiet moments with Him, even when responsibilities seem overwhelming.
Think about small, practical changes you can make to intentionally prioritize time with God, whether through prayer, reading Scripture, or simply sitting in quiet reflection.

Vanisha Lewis is a mother, daughter, friend, and above all, a beloved daughter of the Most High God. A lover of coffee and a good laugh, she is passionate about becoming all God has called her to be and positively impacting those He has placed in her life. With a heart to serve, Vanisha seeks to live out her faith and encourage others on their journeys toward purpose and peace. **Join her on the HolyFlow app HERE